I feel like I have a work hangover from yesterday, but the submittal went into review last night and hopefully I can stay focused long enough to get the review comments addressed so it can go out the door on Wednesday. I have other things I want to focus on aside from work *sigh* work/life balance is hard. #morecoffee #brainhurts #crispay
@GrandmaJ I admit that I am being a little whiney. I usually get 6 months to a year off (working but not intensively on this type of project) between my big projects but that didn't happen this time and it's wearing me out. Hopefully I can take some time in the fall after this project is done before I jump into another one. The problem is we're so short staffed and we're hemorrhaging people. We've lost several engineers to other companies in the last couple of months.
@GrandmaJ I know you weren't implying that I was being whiney but I felt like I was being whiney :) On the one hand, I'm glad I get to work from home. On the other hand, working from home often makes it harder to put work down. I tell myself that at least I'm home at 7pm even if I am still sitting in front of my laptop.
@Foxthorn I did not mean to imply you were whiney!!! You kind of remind me of my daughter. She’s a school psychologist and works her butt off, stays late, goes in way early. She has some time off this summer and has promised me she will only spend one day a week working. This is a first. She has worked nonstop for over 20 years, never taken a sick day. Gurl! My nagging has finally gotten her to leave work before 7 pm and actually use her time off to not work.
Hope you can rest soon!