Can someone give me permission to take the day off? No one should have this many meetings lined up for a Friday...I'm going to need more coffee for this.
@Foxthorn hit that snooze as hard as as OnePunchMan.
@Foxthorn okay you have permission
@Foxthorn do you have a fox?
@Foxthorn one of the most interesting things I’ve ever watched was a segment in a dog documentary talking about the Russian fox breeding program from decades ago, where they were using foxes to study domestication.
@Dr_Spazmelda they are so smart!!! and a wee bit mischievous :)
@Foxthorn We used to keep ferrets and I always pictured a domestic fox being sort of the same way. Playful and a bit naughty. Little fuzzbutts!
@Dr_Spazmelda lol little fuzzbutts is a perfect word
@Foxthorn take the day off. If there are questions, tell them to call me.
@Foxthorn I have to drive 5 hours today. I was supposed to leave at about 6am, but how can I do that when CoSo just came back online??