So far a busy day in the courtyard. Both the firebush berries & bird feeders are very popular. Even a visit from a couple butterflies (although no hope for them in the poisoned landscape beyond).
My hummingbird was here again early; so glad I work up in time to see him.
My tiny gives me life!

4 Tropical Waves March Across the Atlantic. A high pressure system is protecting Florida, rain & storms for central America!

Now! Over 2 million & still going. This is amazing. 50 groups will get over $40,000 each!

Musical cooperation by four masters on one instrument. Click on it and turn up the volume.

I want to see her get $1 million!

"you know what they say – when a sitting Congressman body shames you to 1.4 million Twitter followers, turn it into **$555,000** in abortion donations"

PLEASE some one in power do something about spam phone calls. How many is too many? IDK but a couple an hour is irritating the hell out of me.
HELP US! I'm past wanting them to stop. Now I really want them to suffer!

Texas Mothers release MEGAVIRAL ad SLAMMING Texas Republicans

No matter what these women are in jail for, every one, no exception, must be released immediately & the guards put in jail in their place.

Jail officials then retaliated against the women for speaking up by leaving the lights on for three straight days, “denying them normal privileges and confiscating pillows, blankets and hygiene items,” according to the lawsuit.

JFC. Anyone know the state of the State of Indiania's abortion laws?

"28 women held at an Indiana jail are suing after guards gave the keys to their cells to incarcerated men in exchange for a $1000 bribe, allowing the men to rape and assault the women."

28 Incarcerated Women Allege That Guards Allowed Male Inmates to Rape Them for $1000
The women are suing officers at an Indiana jail for having given male prisoners keys to their cells in exchange for a bribe, allowing the men to terrorize them.

Once upon a time I was told I didn't have sense of humor re: pepe le pew.

desantis has already done this in Florida.

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