@Florence Flossie, did Mama refuse to feed you again? Did she say it wasn't yet time for second breakfast?
@Notokay What can I say? She's a VERY slow learner!
@Florence You have to be patient with the hooman. They are all very dim.
@Notokay Truth! Honestly, you have no idea what my life is like dealing with Mommy Dumbo. It's tiring, I am exhausted. But also very beautiful, so it's not all bad!
@Notokay Her redeeming feature is that she's SUCH a soft touch...
Mommy... You've had five breakfasts Flossie. There are no more.
Me... (My special face)
Mommy... No. Nope.
Me... (My other special face)
Mommy... Darling, are you actually hungry. What a bad Mommy I am. Of COURSE you may have another one.
@Florence You could be a STAR, Flossie. Every cat would line up to buy your book and watch your videos. Especially with that photogenic face.
@Notokay Ahem, I AM a star thank you very much. To mine Momnmy! Snigger!
@Florence Well done, Flossie. You have clearly trained her very well!!! You should teach a master class in training hooman staff.