@MidnightRider OMG,I think we might be twins. That drives me insane.
@Florence I've been in pain now multiple weeks. I force myself to go out. At the coffee shop this week, special needs girl in a chair with an older mom. She heads for the door. I said "wait, let me get that for you". After she leaves? Other customers: "you're making us all look bad", yeah that's what happened here, ooofa.
@MidnightRider I've seen this so many times. I always appreciate those who offer help when I'm wheeling myself about. But they are few and far between.
@Florence She was being wheeled as a patient and her propulsion was as old me. Sure she could manage but she appreciated making it safer and easier.
@MidnightRider @Florence Nah they made themselves look bad. You just choose to do the right thing. Crushed a vertebrae and cracked a couple others decades ago, wasn't supposed to walk again. Fortunately they were wrong. Still have chronic pain issues but STILL can hold a door for someone!
@Florence I don't mind how slow they walk but spatial awareness is not the strong card of Americans