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Friend emailed me this Unroll from bird site. Steve Schmidt (McCain's last campaign manager in 2008) says had already infiltrated GOP in 2008 when McCain was running against Obama. McCain opposed Kremlin. Makes me wonder what is behind Meagan McCain & Steve Schmidt long-time feud. For which side does Meaghan bat? And Rand & McCain's feud.

Also explains why McCain seemingly out of blue chose tea-party tosspot, Sarah Palin: pressure from pro-Kremlin .

I have an account on tRumP sOciAL. Those ppl are so far gone! They have not changed one bit. They have been brainwashed for real. No joke. It’s too late for them. They’re at the point of No Return.

How we doing over here? I’m thinking better than on the bird turd site. Why are ppl attacking their own ffs? So sick of the self righteous drama!

welp there's ANOTHER madison cawthorn video just released.
it's sexual, as you might imagine.
it is explicitly gay in tenor.
the smart money says his political career is TOAST now.
BUT: i want to say:
if he IS gay, that is the best and noblest thing about him. by far.

Those who value basic human rights in our country, I say bless you. May you sleep well because tomorrow we need to strap on our sensible shoes and March! The Universe is calling us to Unite and raise humanity out of this bull shit fuckery.

My daughter had an ectopic pregnancy that was medically terminated immediately upon the advice of her physician. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable and can blow up a Fallopian tube and injure or kill the mom. They didn’t know it was ectopic until after 6 weeks. In some states she and her doctor would now be criminally liable. Absolutely furious with SCOTUS & GOP. Vote them all out!

I decided to get a vasectomy late last year.

To anyone considering and on the fence: it's worth it if you have decided you're either done having children or don't want any.

It's a serious decision. These are also serious times.

If we lose the midterms, the Jan 6 committee will become the hunter Biden committee. They need to step up their shit. Time is running out.

I'm a GenX wife of 26 years, a dog mom, a god mom, disabled former CWA 4400 union member who has voted D since 1986 and started resisting with Bush v. Gore. I advocate for the marginalized and powerless. I believe in doing no harm but taking no shit. Compassion rules. I am an INFP, HSP, who loves to laugh at everything I can. Music, books, movies, comedy, art and animals help keep me relatively sane. Seeking joy and understanding. The more friends I make the more I learn. 143

Often asked question:

"Hey J, why'd you call it CounterSocial - sounds kinda negative?"


"Because we're gonna 'counter' current social media. Think fight fire with FIRE'.

I’m here! But can’t figure it out yet lol. I found you but can’t find anyone else ! ~ I’m Carol Ann (CarolRowsell)on Twitter…

Alright, since a lot of us are afloat at the moment: I was @PaganMother on twitter as well, and instagram. If ya followed me on any of those platforms, feel free to follow me on here too.

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