I don’t know if it is because of my fragile mental state, but this horrific slaughter in San Antonio is hitting me hard.

Maybe 14 wee souls, needlessly taken. Fucking hell America, what does it take?

@kracko we had one school shooting in Scotland. Just one. 16 wee kids killed. Handguns were banned pretty much right away.

I’m not American, I just can’t understand why this is constantly allowed to happen.

@MichaelRLaverty because they scream "But muh rights."

And then the next one happens.

It is sickening.


@kracko @MichaelRLaverty
i was born here (the us) it disgusts me to say "im an american"-there's no pride in it, there's no "freedom" or "rights" that come with this. the "experiment" has been a catastrophic failure. end-state capitalism, the ownership class doesn't give 1 single fk about the cost in human lives much less damage to the planet. it'll take hundreds of thousands of us in the streets breaking things-to change policy-rt now-they're criminalizing protests. fall of an empire.

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