passed by the has been passed! It’s been sent to to be signed into law!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Thank you, residents of who voted for ! You rock the casbah!

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F3NW4YP4RK boosted

One thing that got definitively cleared up this past week: quite a few Republicans seem perfectly willing to abruptly throw out the Constitution if it means they get to stay in power & force other people to do what they want...

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F3NW4YP4RK boosted

Polls open in a few hours in the Peach State for the Here's sending best wishes to Senator Warnock and his team as they get out the vote to win and achieve a 51-49 Democratic majority in the Senate

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So remember when I posted my blog post "Is Civil War 2 Coming To The United States?" And the last section was "The US is in a Civil War Right Now - A Cold Civil War"? If you missed it here is the link . THIS is exactly what I was talking about

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KKK jokes are not funny regardless of who laughs.

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Stock up friends. Whatever your favorite beverage or plant.

Jack Smith will be the honorary host of the biggest party 🎈 ever held in America.

What is a “sanitizer” on . Just saw it flash when posting my last post. Sanitizer? 😂

Why do some folks pay heed to influencers? Has the capacity to think for one’s self become so difficult that so many rely on so few to tell them how to decorate, what to purchase, how big breasts are supposed to be, and how much to spend $ to be like SOMEONE ELSE? are the leaches on the buttocks of society. Their goal is to be a brand & make $, period. It’s less expensive and more fun to just be yourself.

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F3NW4YP4RK boosted

rand paul and gosar now want thar sweet socialism, when just last year they opposed the infra bill.

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Caveat: Parrots are wild animals. They’re destructive (goodbye nice furniture & clothing), expensive to properly feed, & if a medical emerg - expensive to vet - if you can find an avian vet. Ari’s w/ me for 14 y. He’s abt 36 yrs old. When adopted, he was terrified. A parrot of div parents. Noone wanted him. He plucked a lot & bare when I brought him home. This is trust resulting from a lot of love, patience, destroyed office chairs, clothing, jewelry. He’s my boy. So, please meet sleeping Ari

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