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Hey ! Workin hard to get to feelin better. To that end, I’m challenging myself to some steps in 2020 that will hopefully start an upswing.

So starting today, I intend to do my best to actually GET DRESSED every day. In one of my fluffy dresses (yoga pants don’t count) even if it’s just to wobble to the mailbox & back. Hoping you’ll help me stay accountable without kicking my ass too badly if I stumble.

To that end, bringing in 2020 like a bad ass from the giant round chair...😁

Good morning ! Hope yall are well. Yesterday was a lil tough - the meatsuit decided to rebel, settle down & then rebel again pretty badly. Swimming then an er trip. It was a day. Today I have PT (where I get my new stix set up & start the hardcore pt to be ready for the wedding) & then dermatologist.

For now, sipping my coffee & waking up. Had weird dreams. When does retrograde end? I always have most bizarre dreams when Mercury goes retro.

How are yall? What’s good?

Do y’all know if there’s something in the way of sunscreen for cats or cat safe sunscreen stage likes living out there on the porch in the sun puddles but his skin on his belly is almost bald and he’s got bald spots up by his ears and I’ve been reading about pets getting skin cancer so I’m just considering sunscreen for today anybody heard of such a thing?

Good morning ! I’m about to have my coffee & do some gardening. The boys (Sage and Stormie) are out on the front porch chillin in sun puddles, Chester is patrolling the yard, Voodoo is asleep upstairs & im heading out back w/a box of seeds & my Go-Go Juice

Isn’t that house adorable? 👇🏻 goals yall lol

How’re yall on this beautiful Sunday?

Hey ! How’re yall? I’ve been at a dead run trying to work on wedding stuff lately (& get my house in order - it’s a CHORE right now!)

My fam has me stressed all the way out abt the wedding. My brothers are supposed to walk me to Tony but I can’t get in touch with them - it’s been literally MONTHS w/no return calls. My sister said she was going to make my head piece but same - can’t get in touch. Am I outta line to make a contingency plan if they don’t show? (They wonder why I worry🙄)

Hey ! Today is Tony’s last day here & it’s a beautiful day! We’ll be putting the plants out & generally prepping for spring.

The wisteria is everywhere this year & I love it. I know it’s invasive but it’s so beautiful. It’s decorating my trees in the back yard.

How’re yall today?

Ok heading to the wellness center. Hoping for a peaceful swim (yesterday there was a creeper there who stared me down so hard the entire time that the
Lifeguard came over to tell me he would make sure that man stayed away from the women’s locker room when I got out & if I was uncomfortable he’d make sure there was someone available to walk me to my car.

Creeper behavior is just gross

Hey ! How everyone’s well today. I’m getting my life together to head to the wellness center (after the lunch crowd leaves) & swim for a couple of hours. Adult prom is tomorrow & im looking forward to getting dressed up. About to run some last minute errands.

@Kurtroedeger - practice chanter is out for delivery! Executing my plan beginning tonight! 😁

What’s going on in your world? Everything good?

Guess I’m buying some popcorn when I go out to run errands today…

Don’t really know if this is a true thing but I mean mine will be indoors anyway. - even Chester - but ya know…sharing in case

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Prancing Evvie

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