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Let me just put this out there: thanks to autocorrect and an inability to edit toots, please feel free to assume that I am an illiterate idiot. 👍🏻😘

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Ships now have new passageway in the North, screw the Suez Canal...

E. Robinson in WaPo If humankind suddenly stopped burning fossil fuels tomorrow, we would still have to adapt to the climatic changes we have already set in motion. The excess carbon dioxide we have pumped into the atmosphere will remain there for thousands of years. We will be coping with massive tropical storms, tragic coastal and riverine flooding, deadly heat waves and unprecedented wildfires for the rest of our lives.

Someone needs to explain to me why “their” and not “there” is the preferred autocorrect choice when correcting a spelling error and screwing grammar up all at the same time. It’s driving me fucking insane.

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My how the @GOP and @realDonaldTrump forget so quickly when THEY are nominating judges.

This is why the Dems did the right thing when they went Nuclear for appointing judges to the federal bench. If Reid hadn’t, Republicans would have held up every Dem nomination & then would have gone nuclear now & had A LOT more federal judges to appoint as well as appointing SCOTUS judges (with Turnip picking them). What an even BIGGER disaster that would have been. Thank you Dems for going Nuclear in 2013!

Morgan County PUBLIC Library (ie funded by tax payer money) in West VA has refused a free copy of Woodward’s book “Fear: Trump in the Whit House” and banned it.

Conservatives stifling free speech & denying people access to information & education so that they can make informed decisions for themselves? Noooo. Surely not! Not conservatives! The “defenders of the constitution” right? Right-wing extremists trying to create a fascist state? Who wudda thunk it?!🙄

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QUOTE: “A Quartz analysis of the database shows that almost two-thirds of terror attacks in the (United States) last year were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations,”

It is almost scary how PERFECTLY this describes Trump supporters. 😲

‪This got overlooked in the important news of the last few days. But we must remember that, according to the Global Terrorism Database, two-thirds of the terror attacks in the United States last year were carried out by right-wing extremists (AKA people who vote REPUBLICAN). So the next time Trumpers babble on about antifa, just tell them this FACT. Then tell them to go fuck themselves with their favorite assault rifle 😉.


SCOTUS gave these states the freedom to choose the health of their citizens or the invective and obstructionism of their politics. In America, we value freedom. The citizens of TN continually chose representation that did NOT expand Medicaid and the ACA but instead gave tax cuts to billionaires. Now the citizens don’t have hospitals. Funny how that works. You need tax dollars to pay for infrastructure including HOSPITALS and healthcare. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I send thoughts & prayers for rural TN. They’ll pull themselves up by their boot straps right?! They won’t be “socialist takers” sucking of the government’s teat right?😉

TN continues to vote for the @GOP & voted for BOTH Romney in 2012 & Trump in 2016 BOTH of whom ran on a promise to “repeal Obamacare from day 1”.

TN did NOT expand Medicaid because, ya know, the whole republican stupidity thing. As such, they are now losing their access to hospitals. Oh well, they’ll pull themselves up tho.😉

Via @chrisconte Another rural hospital in Tennessee will close tomorrow. The mayor of McKenzie, TN told me “people will die” because of this. The community here is in shock.

Says a guy who actively voted for (and still supports) taking healthcare away from literally Tens of MILLIONS of American women, children & servicemen & women who benefit from the ACA. SMFH.

“First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:5

God I love how “religious” these Trump supporters think they are. 😂😂

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@Enzoloren Look what the cat dragged in. Hey stranger, welcome back!!! 🍻

It always makes me chuckle when Republicans use the line “there are crazies on both sides” to defend just how MUCH crazy exists on THEIR side. Sure, no one side has a monopoly on crazy & stupid, but republicans sure do have the VAST MAJORITY of it; by a ratio of at least 100 to 1.

The first step in solving a problem is admitting there is one. Until republicans admit that there is a MASSIVE problem with their base, agenda, & ideology, they will continue to be the monster raving looney party.

Trump is overheating our economy & stripping it of any long term durability. Trump is like a man who heats his home by burning the furniture, then the fixtures, then the Sheetrock, the shingles, etc. until all that is left is a frame & nothing to protect us from the coming economic winter.

Courtesy of my friend @ellewoodsruns

Updated chart after today's indictments: Mueller's investigation has resulted in 191 criminal charges against 35 Defendants, and convicted 5, in less than 14 months. None have been dismissed. This is VERY FAST!

Lol I just noticed that I typed IA for IN...oops...brain fart. Lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Fuck it, it’s Friday! 😂

The Pence Family has PERSONALLY SHAFTED IA taxpayers more than $20 million in environmental cleanup expenses because of their personal gas stations. Funny how the party of “personal responsibility” again shafted the bill onto the taxpayer huh. With republicans it’s all about privatizing the profits & socializing the costs.


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@DachshundSaidSo @th3j35t3r

This is a calculated and scripted move by him. This show he put on was for Putin just before the disgusting summit coming up with Putin in Helsinki. It's one of the most barbaric and verbally hostile attack against our allies yet. And it was done by a sitting American President. 🙄

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