@EdgeOErin fixing things damn it! We were moving in the right direction. More jobs, higher wages, public-private investment, re-engaging with allies, more energy, pandemic correction, post-pandemic inflation reduction, more consumer protections, negotiated drug prices. People just don't understand that there was no way to snap fingers and bring the cost of goods and services down when the entire world was in shock and corporations cynically took advantage of the crisis.
@hallmarc I agree he did/was doing some things well. Building back the economy after Trump/Covid. Dickhead Trump foiling the bipartisan border agreement was a mortal wound that infected his faux outrage at Bibi slaughtering Palestinians [hypocrisy alert given he was the arms supplier]. I will always be so thankful he helped Ukraine and despise him for Gaza. A mixed legacy at best, IMHO.
@EdgeOErin I'm sorry but you're speaking to the wrong person about Gaza. I detest Bibi (another felon trying to save his ass) and I hope they vote him out ASAP but we were always going to provide virtually unequivocal support no matter who was in charge. Biden was trying to walk a fine line during an election year but when a truly (self-identifying) genocidal regime brutally attacks a nation that is our most valuable partner in the ME, proportionality and "ceasefire" are meaningless.
@hallmarc No worries. I know I am in the minority on this, but I do appreciate your response.