What does LGBTQIA2S+ mean?

LGTBQIA2S+ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.

@DubleveWands in respect of truth & rec, more peeps are changing the acronym slightly to 2slgbtq+. is that not happening in ON? it's certainly something we're adopting in the west.

@singlemaltgirl I do wonder if that isn’t the way it will go in the end since 2S predates colonial culture by thousands of years. It hasn’t quite caught on in my city yet. I live in Kitchener. One of the most racist cities. The Proud Boys were born here. I think from here on out, I will write it as 2S first.

@DubleveWands omg. i live in alberta. white supremacy central. sigh.

but yes, it changed particularly when all those horrific graves of residential school sites became known & that 1st truth & rec day on sept 30 - it was just adopted. but i don't know by who exactly. i just know that the local pride communities were pushing it & we adopted it quickly. i thought it was national but maybe not?

@singlemaltgirl I’m also aware of a growing LGB grifter crowd who are anti-Transgender, so basically TERFs. They’re trying to gatekeep the homosexual and bisexual community from “outsiders”. They’re exclusionary not only to Trans but leather fetishists and the BDSM groups. They’re super critical and Conservative. The groups they’re trying to exclude supported Gay rights from the very beginning of the Pride movement. They’re spreading propaganda and hatred. They claim all Trans are pedophiles.

@singlemaltgirl I bring them up because they don’t acknowledge 2S as an addition in the progressive Pride acronym, nor would they ever put it on from to the L based on they’re current mandates. They claim to be feminist, but they’re most likely a White Supremacist hate group at their core.


@singlemaltgirl Many in the LGB movement are pro life. How is that feminism?

@DubleveWands yes, it's so weird to find so many conservatives in the community. like, do you know they want to keep conversion therapy legal? they don't believe you should have the right to marry? that they were at the forefront of preventing partners from being w/ their loved ones during the aids crisis? like wtf?

but then you look at kanye west siding w/ the white supremacists & you just smh. 😩

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