Spazmelda boosted


New fast- acting enzyme breaks down plastic and changes recycling game.

Spazmelda boosted
Spazmelda boosted
Spazmelda boosted

Look, you don’t get to turn SCOTUS into a nakedly political institution against warnings that it will destroy the court’s legitimacy, and then cry about an unprecedented, politically-motivated leak that the court is supposedly above. Your will-to-power at all costs is what is unprecedented. Somewhere in that book you claim to love, it talks about sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind. That’s where we are. You did this, Republicans.

I just got back from casting my ballot in the democratic primary. Go vote!

I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight. Im so sick, heart sick, for all the women and girls who will suffer and die.

Spazmelda boosted

I want to start a thread of

I’ll go first: one of my most embarrassing moments is when I went into the fun house at a fair when I was 12. It was great until I got to that tunnel that rotates. (Mind you, I was overweight) I was walking through and lost my balance. I fell over and ended up just rolling in it until the lady hit the emergency stop 🛑 😭

I feel so dumb, but how do I log out of countersocial on the computer? I found it on the phone app, but where the heck is it on the computer?

Spazmelda boosted

reminder - none of this would have been necessary if Elon Musk was funny on SNL

Spazmelda boosted
Spazmelda boosted

Another good one from Trevor Noah at last nights W.H. Corres. dinner:

Oh and maybe a boost. I’m going to read for a while but I promise I will come back and follow!!

Ok, I finally get how to use hashtags here. So if you post and read about please follow me so I know who to follow :)

Spazmelda boosted

I'm still not able to get Pro for CoSo. I can't find how to do it on my phone, and the computer says I need to turn off cookies and firewalls, which I have done.

Any suggestions or is it still not quite working yet?

Lenny wants you to ‘draw me like one of your French girls.’

Spazmelda boosted

This is a good description of "doing your own research" haha

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