I am a #49erFaithful and almost every game is "out of market" for me, even with some subcriptions (nfl+ etc.) So here's my thought every year: NFL you are losing a *huge* money-making opportunity! Offer a subscription to one team. Yep, just one. I would gladly pay a decent amount to watch every one of my games without having to search every platform to do it. And I just found out it would cost over $500 to get them on youtubetv + nfl sunday ticket. Can't afford that! #football
@wolfwoman Check eBay. You can get an email address student certified and get Sunday ticket at the discounted student rate ($200). I've been finding all the work arounds these past ten years to watch my Lions after moving to Chicago. It's a pain, but I don't care anymore. I'd gladly watch the games more legitimately if they offered a better solution. $500 is not an acceptable solution.
@wolfwoman Gotcha. Just an FYI, I did get an email before the season encouraging me to resubscribe for only $100! I'm unfortunately stupid and didn't pay attention to the due date and missed it. Just something to think about for future reference.
@DrRamey Thanks! For the tip as well! I didn't get such an email. Boo.