US Politics Show more

Imagine a world where the president of the United States of America isn't an old, white, man.

"Any failure to cover those in power critically is a failure that encourages corruption, abuse, and malfeasance.

The role of the press must be to speak truth to power, not speak “truth” for power."

I went on a hike yesterday and found out just how out of shape I am now.

It's been about 2 years since baby Fantastic was born. We're expecting baby Fantastic 2.0 this August!

Most people I work with are under the assumption that this stimulus check is going to need to be paid back. I have run out of ways to explain how this works

My best friend at this party is this dog. I love him

@DrMrFantastic People should wear far more comfortable footwear. If I were President of the Earth, I'd make everyone wear slippers

It's 2018 now. How are we going to make this year better?

Has anyone else seen the MVMT watch commercials? Those guys cranked their douche level up to 11.

@DrMrFantastic why do all children have to be such disease incubators? And why are they always sticky? How are they literally ALWAYS sticky?

And a quick thank you to my brothers, who's nieces and nephews got ne exactly what I wanted for christmas. Just kidding. Those fuckers got me sick. Running around coughing on everything and everyone. Their adorableness does not make up for their grossness.

Just wanted to say thank you for all the kind words yesterday when I revealed that my wife is pregnant. I don't think I would've recieved such a positive response on any other social media platform. If it hadn't already, wins.

Sometimes you just need to turn off and get out of the house for a while.

This is going to be a long . I'm already dreaming of the . To bad I live on the . No mountains for miles.

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