Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted

I AM INCREASINGLY FRUSTRATED with this administrations careless disregard for the law. and with A president that is running the country like the mob

Doug_in_NC boosted

@Douginnc @Dane This disregard for the law is infuriating... If you get a ticket you are expected to pay it.. But trump is getting away with horrible crimes with impunity Its DISGUSTING

Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted

@Douginnc I really hope so. I'll be able to look around while I'm in the airport tomorrow.

Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted



They need to start arresting & incarcerating these criminals already. No warnings; no knocks; no *nothing*. Cuff & stuff.

The Republicans wouldn't waste TWO SECONDS doing so; they haven't in the past, so...what's good for the goose...

@Yoly56 Thanks for the follow Yoli, I followed back! Good to see you over here!

@VCSParent When you see a toot from someone, just click on their @ name and you will see a column appear with a "follow" button if you aren't following or a "unfollow" button if you are. Just hit the "follow" button to follow them.

Doug_in_NC boosted

While we’re on the topic, here are the top recipients of for-profit prison industry cash:

-Henry Cuellar: $147K

-Marsha Blackburn: $101K

-Marco Rubio: $92K

-Charlie Crist: $86K

-Mitch McConnell: $85K

-Lamar Alexander: $81K

Would be a real shame for them if this went viral.

Doug_in_NC boosted
Doug_in_NC boosted

One of my best friend’s wife’s sister is missing. Here’s the info. I’d appreciate it y’all would share it.

Trying out this hashtag. Does it do anything useful?

Doug_in_NC boosted

Good morning everyone Have a great weekend. just checking in to see how things are going.

Doug_in_NC boosted
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