DogBones boosted

Huh. ‪Sounds familiar. ‬

‪“By 1930 at the latest, it had become clear that the Presidential power was in the hands of a man who had no faith in democratic institutions and no intention of defending them from their enemies.” –The Coming of the Third Reich (Richard J. Evans)‬

People who lived through the red scare will never embrace a system of government that in any way resembles communism/socialism.

Talking politics with family is so sadistically fun.

DogBones boosted

Getting Over It with with bennet foddy is a self help game. Play it.

So who wants to schedule some weekly riots over net neutrality? Cus boi u know I’m down.

DogBones boosted

ME: Okay, that's everything I had to do today. I think things are okay.

ANXIETY: Nope. Something terrible is going to happen.

ME: It is? What is it?

ANXIETY: You should stop breathing.

ME: How is that going to he-


ME: *ghkbn*

DogBones boosted

Historical question: Who was more responsible for the Nazis rise to power?

The relatively small number of actual Nazi Party members?

Or the much broader footprint of people, institutions, and communities that minimized, thought they could coopt/leverage, just kinda hoped someone else would do something, etc.?

DogBones boosted
DogBones boosted
DogBones boosted

Finally getting a chance to check this thing out. So far haven’t had to look at that awful orange face once. It’s nice

DogBones boosted

I much prefer tooting to tweeting. If this place had a dispensary it would be perfect.

DogBones boosted
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