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Afternoon, CoSo!

Last night I dreamed a story. It's short, about 1200 words, but too long to toot. So I published on my blog, in case you'd like to read it.

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CoSovians, I challenge you to try this experiment in thinking differently with me.

For 1 day, or 2, or 7, do not subdivide humans. Whenever you are inclined to think of a group collectively, for good or bad, substitute "we humans" for whatever group.

So, not "those [party members] are so fucked up, they want [this outrageous thing]," but "we humans can be so fucked up that we sometimes want [this outrageous thing]"


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For good things, too. So for "wow, those [ethnics] sure cook amazing food," think "wow, we humans sure cook some amazing food"

I've been doing this for a couple of days. I'm curious whether it will have the same effect on y'all that it has had on me.


TIL there's a person called Megan Fox, who is apparently in some sort of relationship with another person called mgk.

A quick Google image search shows that she rarely wears much in the way of clothing, while he wears very interesting clothes indeed. 🤔 Also, he points at her crotch a lot.

It seems I still have much to learn about life on this planet.

I'm reading Sylvain Neuvel's A HISTORY OF WHAT COMES NEXT and was struck by this:

The narrator travels to Germany immediately upon the end of WWII, and says "It doesn't matter what they believed in, it's gone. They were promised the world and lost everything. Those who believed feel cheated, robbed by one man's stupidity. Those who didn't are defeated just the same. There's no prize for being ashamed early."

I was under the impression that trolling involved moving the bait slowly through the water in hopes of getting a fish to bite.

If you're dragging the bait behind a ski boat, you're not gonna catch anything but snags.

So two or three offensive posts a day might be effective, but two or three a minute is just kind of comical.

Grab some popcorn while you wait for them to hit a snag.

Good afternoon, CoSo!

Do you have more fine art cluttering your house than you have room for?

Don't worry, Wabash College has you covered. You can park it here:

Reheating some Szechuan takeout that I found in the fridge.

I figure if it doesn't kill me, it'll make me stronger, amirite?

Only one way to find out. 😜

Good day, CoSo!

Waiting in the customer lounge for my car to get serviced is kind of tedious. My Eclipse IDE decided it was time to download a ton of updates so I'm just watching the progress bar.

Also, seeing a lot of chin diapers in here. Luckily they're far away from me.

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

US Constitution, Amendment XIV, section 4.

Good morning--uh, afternoon--uh, day, CoSo!

Had one of these last night. Very tasty. We'll skip lightly over the fact that medlars are also called "monkey bottoms" or "open arses." 😮

Good morning, CoSo!

The view from our room got upgraded overnight. Here's what it looked like early this morning.

Good morning, CoSo!

Mrs Seal and I hiked to the top of Beacon Rock yesterday. Photos are a view of the rock from the west, courtesy of the USGS, a panorama of the Columbia River taken by me from a spot near the top, and a view of the trail taken by me (zoom in to see a person at the lower left of the trail shot, to show the scale of the rock).

I was surprised to learn, at the top of the rock, that we were at an altitude 200' *lower* than our front yard in Decatur. 😮

I have learned to love and accept my body in all of it’s imperfections. Inside and outside. Animus and anima together. And in oneness with nature. This helps to overcome fear and anxiety while living in the moment. ☺️💜

Saw a never-before-observed way to not really wear a mask, in the elevator this morning.

Guy has one of those masks with straps that go around the head (instead of over the ears), with the top strap on and the bottom strap just dangling at his chin.

So, a *veil* that conceals his nose and mouth from view, but doesn't filter his breath in any way. 😠

Good afternoon, CoSo!

Mrs Seal is attending a conference in the Columbia River Gorge.

View from our room:

Good morning, CoSo!

A girl came to our door with a bucket of bracelets she'd made and offered to sell me one for "a dollar, five dollars, whatever you think is right." Her mom was hovering out on the sidewalk keeping an eye on things.

DOBO: Is this for some kind of a cause?
GIRL: [long pause, deep in thought] 'Cause my mama needs to buy groceries?
DOBO: That's a good cause, alright!

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Dobo the Magic Seal 中道⚜️

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.