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@DrewJRoss Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... 

Does anyone know any groups in California providing any kind of it type logistical to the fire evacuation centers. Seems like things like phone charging and email access would need helpful and even comforting to people

The weekend! Where I get two days to pretend I don't have a job, but I have money!

Hilarious, probably half in China, and I think I’ve been to half of them.

19 Infuriating Photos Of Hotels That Are Honestly Just Unforgivable

Okay, when Freedb can even find Lazy Harry's "Big Aussie Album" (The Only Genuine Original!) You know its gotten more sophisticated.

As I rip music that my wife and I have collected over the years, I'm like "Where the fuck did all this Christmas music come from?"

I am now being followed by God. I am not entirely sure if I am merely one of the many, or whether I am being singled out for special tracking.
You know the updated Pledge Of Alleigance - "One Nation, Under Surveillance".

This ripping of old CDs has been a bizarre trip of half-forgotten memories. Its amazing how much music we've managed to acquire that we don't play just because its not available, and Amazon stations seem to play the same-old same-old over and over.

So I'm ripping old CDs. One was a mix CD that was made for me. I had to resort to playing the song and holding my phone to the speakers for it to figure out the song.

There's been a couple songs that Google couldn't find. I get a strange satisfaction that there are corners of my life that somehow avoided being sucked into the internet.

So I'm part of an assessment team looking at a linux server. I mention that we should look at how sudo is configured.

Another cybersecurity professional, one supposedly also charged with protecting these systems, write out for everyone to see

"Make sure to check pseudo access."

I can only hope and pray the Russians and the Chinese are this clueless, but I know they are not.

So a bit of a do-over. We in the US need more of this:
For cyber defense. The options we have right now are costly and/or grassroots.
My own company is totally a sign of the times, where their cyber defense teams are mostly tool specialists, button mashers, and people really good with excel. Compliance is necessary, but not anything like a good active defense.

I don't remember. Is there still no difference between posting public vs unlisted here?

5. They are practicing taking down cities, and we're still figuring out spreadsheet formats. Christ. Fuck them on multiple sticks.

4. which is complete and utter bullshit, and just demonstrates how bad off we are. I think the role of cybersecurity is to "wear the tinfoil hat so you don't have to" but I'm about ready to lose my shit.

3. Its hard to describe the situation without giving up who I am, and I work reasonably hard to not give that up. But we have an incredible security skills gap, and we think that push button solutions (run the scanner) fixes it. Our monitoring ops is a shambles that continually says, "our environment is too noisy to detect that"

2. I'm on a team of defenders. They are mostly process and compliance people. Which, has its purpose, but isn't about active defense.

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