Not particularly new, but hilarious: Pence's reaction to Trump talking set to Nine inch Nails Closer. 😂 If you aren't familiar with the song a brief sampling of the lyrics makes clear Pence's attitude:

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me
I broke apart my insides
Help me
I've got no soul to sell
Help me
The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself

The Catonsville Nine, 50 Years Later

Their actions prompted a wave of similar acts of nonviolent civil disobedience and escalated the movement to end the Vietnam War.
In my mind, Amy Goodman is the most under-rated journalist in the US. She is the only national journalist that I recall staying with the North Dakota tribes while they fought the Keystone pipeline. She was doused by the water canon, just like the Natives with her. Amy is solid.

Sabika Sheikh.
Chris Stone.
Angelique Ramirez.
Kimberly Jessica Vaughan.
Shana Fisher.
Christian Riley Garcia.
Aaron Kyle McLeod.
Jared Conrad Black.
Ann Perkins.
Cynthia Tisdale.

They died in the Santa Fe High School shooting. How they will be remembered:

CoSo friends I have a tech question. Does anyone know anything about recovering stolen Bitcoin?

My friend who just joined the other day, Zelig, was hacked and his retirement stolen, all in Bitcoin, so I'm wondering if Anyone knows anything about recovery? He's spoken to authorities but there's not alot they can do at this point. I feel like there might be things that could be done, maybe.

I'm back in on my phone Bitches!!

The Candle is mobile again!!!

I hope something good happens to you today.


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