This guy moved into my bird feeder this morning. He didn't care when I took my dog out for a walk or when we came back. He didn't care when I came back out with my camera and took pictures. He was just chilling.

I tried to catch the Blue Super Moon, but my lens wasn't working properly. Here's the best I got. I definitely need a new lens.

It would be amazing to help this young man reach the goal he's worked so hard to achieve. Money shouldn't be the reason he can't follow his dreams.

TIL that when using Zing-Zang to make Micheladas, if you don't use enough Zing-Zang, your Michelada tastes vaguely like beef stew. 😫

Rolled my ankle, thought I had a fractured cuboid, but it's just a bad sprain. Can't move my toes without screaming.

My new footwear for the next 7-10 days, maybe longer. 😭

(Pardon my floorboard mess, my guy's been driving my truck)

He's back. That's the final nail in the coffin that was Twitter.

What do you do when you realize your bf's friends treat him like shit and he refuses to see it?

You people with smelly laundry detergent & dryer sheets, super smelly deodorant & shampoo & conditioner & perfume on top of all that should really understand that not only are most of those fragrances bad for your health, but some of us are highly allergic & you're killing us!

Republicans: we've introduced a bill that states it's illegal to say grass is purple

Dems: we're not voting for this stupid shit

Repubs: omg! Democrats refuse to say that grass isn't purple

I think I'm dating a closeted Republican. 😭 For over a year now, so I'm already in love.

But lately, I don't like what I'm hearing from him. And since he pretty much lives with me, I don't know how to handle the situation.

The 2023 Ice Apocalypse continues in North Texas. Again, this is just ice, not snow

Hooking babies on soda guarantees them acceptance in high school and a happy life!!

No wonder everyone is miserable, no one lets babies drink soda anymore.

Bf got me an air fryer! Anyone got any good recipes?

Sam is not a psychiatrist. In fact in an early episode, Al specifically says "Sam, of your 7 doctorates, none of them are in psychology "

Come on Roku channel, do better!

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Devlyn Angel

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.