@Desmblake it has been a bit wild to see the corner of the highly educated and the not so educated. But that what it has felt like for several years. Perhaps it’s because they’ve been sheltered? I don’t know but I find it all a bit bizarre. I’ve always been an outlier, I guess. Sense-making has been very trying since 2016.
@Museek education not teaching history? Raised a bunch of followers without critical thinking skills? I don't know but I am seeing an awful lot of people I thought were smart make some really stupid comments. The dumbing down of society is a terrible thing.
@Museek There's a CT scan that shows a Parent wrapped around a child that were tied with metal strap, burned alive. You can clearly see the 2 spinal cords, the bodies fused together. This is the hate and barbarism that Israel has to fight along with those who are spouting fake news.
And I am embarrassed to say an awfully lot of Left and far Left. They are on the wrong side of history