Good morning CoSo! Looking like another wet one in my corner of AZ for the next couple of days. Most winter rain I've seen in quite sometime. Time to caffeinate, herd some cats & get to the store before the rain moves in. Wishing everyone a great day!

Sunny and 55°F in my corner of AZ so I've marinated, then stuffed, two pork tenderloins that are going onto the Weber now. Will serve with onion roasted Yukon 'taters.

Rise & shine CoSo! It appears that one of my cats never got the memo that AZ doesn't observe a time change, so far this month 4am is the new 5am for that little brat. Time to get a little caffeine in the bloodstream & wait for the sunrise 🌞 Everyone have a great day!

After helping a good friend of ours, who is not very computer literate, set up his new tablet & migrate all of his iPad stuff to it .. this was my payment. The 3 of us split 3 different rolls & a carafe of hot sake. Delicious! 😋

Good morning Coso! Coffee time on the porch with the Full Wolf Moon shining down on my little corner of SW AZ. Everyone have a great day!

Good morning CoSo! Headed to the front porch with hot coffee & a slice of Dutch Apple pie to catch the sunrise. Then we're off later for another day of errands in the "big city" next door in UT. I crack myself up when I say big city - it's less than 100k - but my town is less than 1800 so it is a big city. Haha. Everybody have a great day!

After nearly 2" of rain here in our corner of NW AZ (which is a lot!) it's been a cool, damp day so a good stick to your ribs dinner was in order. Ground Beef Stroganoff with 4 cheese garlic toast.

Wishing everyone a Happy, Safe & Prosperous New Year! I've put together one of our NYE faves for snacking & imbibing this evening. Hot & Cheesy Black-eyed Pea Dip. Been waiting all year to make some 😋

Good morning CoSo! A very brisk 32°F on my patio this morning in NW AZ. Brrrr! Overslept by 2hrs so I'm off to take care of business in the Catmosphere so everyone will quit yowling over their late breakfast. Everyone have a great day.

Rise & shine CoSo! First cuppa and a balmy 45°F outdoors in my corner of AZ this morning. Wishing everyone a great day.

Time to grab a toddy & strap on the 'ole feed bag. Hickory smoked ham, green bean casserole & smoked sweet potatoes.

Mmmm. Ran across my paternal Grandmother's Buttermilk Pie recipe & decided why not 😃 It will be a nice treat after the spiral ham I'm currently smoking & the green bean casserole that is yet to be put together for dinner later.

Good morning CoSo! Coffee on the porch, listening to the sounds of the little Tricksters who live in the wash. They come much closer in the winter as their regular food sources are burrowed in for winter. Now they hunt for caged/pet yardbird snacks at the homes that backup to the wash. Everybody have a great day!

67°F and sunny Christmas Day here so we fired up the Weber for some tasty snacks. Soy/Lime Spicy grilled shrimp over basmati with a few scallions. Super good!

Happy Holidays CoSo! Warm wishes for peace, love & light from our home to yours.

Today was .. a day. So one of my favorite comfort food dinner snacks on deck this evening - Crispy Yukon 'tater skins with bacon, chives and a horsey/Worcestershire sour cream sauce. Hit the spot. Time for a whisky to wash this day off 😃

Good morning Coso! Hoping everyone under all of the awful, freezing weather warnings are safe & sound. Coffee time in NW AZ ☕ .

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home." ~ Edith Sitwell

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!

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