In case anyone requires this

Aid Access

Medical abortion provider

Screaming into the void here:
There is SO MUCH that we women carry in the world that men have no fucking clue about and don’t have to ever think about.

I guess I’m on CounterSocial now. Retweet if you agree.

My $.02

Family is great. AND. Exhausting.

Another week together will be fun since we’ll also be on vacation. Hoping for lots of sleep!

PSA Teachers and Professors, School Board Members and Staff: Moms for Liberty and their allied band of bigots and book burners are training their people to monitor your social media feeds. 🤬

Well, after an exposure scare with covid, was happy to receive a negative test back today.
When can we just buckle down and end this fkn ??

How long before the out-of-state travel of any child-bearing-age woman from red Theostates is subject to pregnancy tests?

On the plus side, dinner w/kiddos and Mom tonight and the sun is shining.

Murdered children, 12 yo with cancer, surgery in the family. It's been a 😡 😭 🤞 🤩 couple of weeks.

One of my favorite artists had it right.

🎶 The waiting is the hardest part…

Enjoyed a weekend away for my birthday as well as some much needed unplugging from the SM world. I hope you all are well and pacing yourselves.
Today my daughter is having surgery and if you have some good vibes to spare for us, I would appreciate those sent our way ✨

Even after a good cry I'm still feeling just so heavy today.

My hunny takes such good care of me.

It’s been a tough day. Peace to all.

It’s not going so well in Ukraine from what I’m reading from Ukrainian journalists. Several towns and cities in the Donbass are now under Russian control.
Russian continues to steal grain and seed oils taking them to ports to be sold.
Putin is waging another Holdomor.

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@DeidShaw 🤔 🌻 ☮️

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.