Who should I be following to get all the critical information I need? I'm so over twatter

Good morning. I've been away too long. Y'all been busy!

DeputyDiector Andrew McCabe stepping down. McCabe will go on leave and when the leave expires, he will retire. , Devin Nunes, & Trey Gowdy will still continue their attacks on the FBI. counter.social/media/Ic2ajGv7M

This liberal Jew from California has been saying "Merry Christmas" to people all week, single handedly ending the war on Christmas.

You're welcome!


Recently entered this into a small technical competition. Inspired around Halloween time, if it's not obvious...


Just got my wife a surface book 2 for Xmas. I inbox it and set it up for her... Now I'm not sure she's getting it after all.

Microsoft has changed my opinion of them. Beautiful hardware, and excellent engineering.

I hadn't read about this shark dragging video, but I'm glad this was the outcome. Fuck those guys.


BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile
The launch would be North Korea's first since it fired a missile over Japan in mid-September
read more: haaretz.com/world-news/1.82552

Spending the day exploring and rendering particle flows. Learning from the super talented Mario Phuc counter.social/media/zua_7CKke

Anyone else keep thinking of Counter Strike when you see the COSO initials?

So many activist folks on Twitter saying the end of this political travesty is in sight. I just simply don't have that faith. Not that I think the country is about to end, but there is no political incentive right now to change the system for the better.

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