VOICE ABOVE WATER is the story of a 90-year-old Balinese fisherman who can no longer fish because of the amount of plastic pollution in the ocean, instead he collects trash in hopes of being able to fish again. The story is a glimpse into how one human is using his resources to make a difference and a reminder that if we all play our part we can accomplish something much greater than ourselves.


Been following @th3j35t3r for years but finally taking a dive into CoSo. Congrats for being ready for such an influx in traffic from Twitter being down.

Update: Started to make this, this morning. Not enough oatmeal. Dammit, I could have sworn I had enough. Only had a cup and a half.. okay, use it. Put in the Milk. Got to the lemon. Where's the lemon I had here. Oh, he used it earlier.. what to do. Add cinnamon.

Results: Winner. I will make this again. Next time with Lemon.

From Stand Up America:

Want another way to take action against Trump's corruption?

Fill out your 2020 census!

PROTIP - if you came here for the first time on a phone / mobile device, switch to a desktop or laptop until you know your way around.

The Trump admin. eliminated a pandemic early-warning program aimed at stopping the spread of dangerous viruses. Since 2009, the program identified 1,200 different viruses around the world, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses.


About 700 New Jersey Police Officers Tested Positive for Coronavirus, State Police Head Says


Enjoy your hamburger

As meatpackers rush to meet demand, their employees are starting to get COVID-19. But some workers say they’re going to work ill because they don’t have paid sick days and can be penalized for staying home. propublica.org/article/what-ha

@th3j35t3r stamp all of the death certificates with his signature, too then.

You might be a MedTech if you read this article and instead of getting a warm fuzzy, you:

1) Get annoyed by improper PPE demonstrated (gloves over sleeves in a BHL 2 or greater)
2) Recognize the brand of automated sample prep platform (Hamilton)

More Minnesota insurers pledge to waive copays for coronavirus testing. strib.mn/3cClRbg

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TITLE: Organized Deflation

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:jester: :a_fucking_narwhal_tusk_tho: COSO COMMUNITY 😁

New users, lurkers, anyone out there in cosoverse -
I need your help..

All you have to do is boost my linked toot/post.

We are at 103 boosts!!

We need to get to 125<<

I will then make a donation to the CounterSocial Life Support!


@ucantstop_me Yep, officials in China have shut down local transportation. Not sure about whether the pic is real or not.
WHO has a team there. WHO Emergency Committee is reconvening tomorrow (I was listening to their press conference earlier).
Virus appears to be stable (not changing that much).

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Debbie Ford

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.