@th3j35t3r did you see story on CNN re book that reported Trump aides as stealing documents off the desk in order to protect America? If so, do you have any thoughts?

Haven't used CoSo in a good 6 months, so I check J's following to get some estimate of how many users there are and holy moly donut shop 17,000+

@th3j35t3r you're an icon, and I really don't throw that word around lightly.

When I found you, you were focused on herding terrorism on the internet. Through the years I've been fortunate enough to follow you to new endavours (Bitter comes to mind), and now you've made a social network significant enough that shit got hairy with platform founders. All of this you did without "real fame and recognition", nor did you ever require a cent out of any of us.


*taps mic* hey everybody...how's it going? Long time, no see

POTUS is about to start nuclear war, then hop on Twitter from his bunker about bringing warmth to the frigid US climate

Finals are over, holidays were had, and now I'm back on CoSo. But what happens? Mastodon doesn't like us because we...don't like Russian propaganda? I guess me being here is why we can't have nice things.

Last toot till after Finals, I promise. Gotta make it cheeky. Happy Wednesday @th3j35t3r

Today has been wild enough that I broke my social media sabbatical in order to try and get more info on world events. Twitter was about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Starkly contrast that with CoSo which has been mighty fruitful. After finals will be one more hard question: is Twitter worth going back?

Catch y'all closer to Christmas! Social media hiatus for finals season. Stay Frosty, stay foolish.

Update: building wasn't on fire???? Or something??? building's back open and my office is fine so yeah. Happy Monday everyone!

So this morning I had a presentation. I get to the building on campus where my office is...and it's apparently on fire.

How's your Monday going?

Davis boosted

@Davis I'm a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and got to hear them discussing what version of Tomcat was used in the breach, when it was patched & announced, and so forth.

Equifax was completely asleep at the switch. And then they sell stock before revealing it!

Woke up at 7am to go the gym

Gym closed till noon because it's still Thanksgiving break

Now it's noon

Don't feel like going to the gym anymore. counter.social/media/aNVD05dLN

Goodnight, CoSo. We should come up with a catchy nickname for all of us. Like how we used to be the Bitter Bastards

Davis boosted

@th3j35t3r God's honest actual question, for serious:

What would your thoughts/reaction be if POTUS joined CoSo?

Any physics people on board this train?

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.