I have been kind of busy lately... Is Donald Trump still President?

What did I miss? Is this thing still on?

I made it through the entire first day of the year without thinking about @realDonaldTrump once. Wait. Dammit!

In honor of Pot Becoming Legal....

Whoever is my 100th RT will get a free joint or edible on me when you come to Los Angeles.


Pot is now legal in California!

I can remember way back in 2017 when I could walk into a pot shop and buy as much pot as I wanted to and today in 2018 I can do the exact same thing.


Happy New Year! I am going to try and refrain from bad mouthing the sad sack, worthless, liar of a president we have all day today. Wait. Never-mind.

If you thought 2016 was bad and 2017 was worse I just want to welcome you to the potential shit show 2018 is about to become.

To soon?

I am watching all the other countries celebrations so I can be in bed by 10 PM.

It's morning. Good luck with the rest of the day.

It was 80 degrees here in Los Angeles today. Sorry global warming! Wait. Thank you global warming? I am confused but either way today was a beautiful day.

Watching Cupcake wars and don't think anyone can really win a war when your best weapons are flour and perkiness.

I can’t motivate enough to do my TM meditation which is supposed to help me motivate to do all the other shit I can’t motivate to do.

I am thinking maybe we should have voted for Trump to be the President of the PGA. That would have saved us all a lot of money and trouble.

Is it wrong to smoke a joint and be in bed by 9PM on NYE?

Thinking that might be the play.

I would be way more relaxed if @HillaryClinton was president right now.

I’m thinking that I might just say home NYE because I am to lazy to take a @Uber

If you play 'In The Air Tonight’ by Phil Collins on December 31st at 11:56:40 the drum break will play right as the clock strikes midnight.

The rest of the world fears @realDonaldTrump like they feared President Jimmy Carter who was a pacifist peanut farmer.

Hey @realDonaldTrump Sucks when not only do the people in your country hate you but now the rest of the world just voted to hate you as well.

U.N. passes measure implicitly condemning Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital


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