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If just one in ten of them decided to get Pro accounts, that'd be two grand a month to help keep the lights on.

Just saying. If you LIKE this place, you need to SUPPORT it if you're able.

Tripp boosted

I don't utilize nearly enough of the many benefits offered to us by @th3j35t3r .

It's mostly a time and family obligations issue. However, that doesn't stop me from cheering at each new innovation or from continuing to pay a little extra each month through patreon.

We each come to CoSo for varying reasons, but we stay because of J and each other.

If this site is important to you, won't you please consider going PRO or adding to the crowd powered funding? Every dollar helps.

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If you've never had to rewind a cassette with a pencil, you've got no right to complain about buffering.

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Neil Peart
You had such a huge positive impact on mine and many lives around me. You will be missed.

2112 Overture

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Coolest movie vehicle.

(lots of choices here, so I had to whittle them down)

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Coolest TV show vehicle

comment for those I may have missed.

Gotta *toot* my own horn for a sec...Pro badge be looking right!👌 ☑️

Thanks for everything you do brother @th3j35t3r

Tripp boosted


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.