@CriticalCupcake From my limited understanding, the ballot issue revolved around the use of involuntary prison labor. The 13th amendment still allowed for it for duly convicted criminals. Corrections welcome.
@CriticalCupcake gotta use up all that prison labor
That 13% really didn't consider the Biden Inflation before making that vote. There is no way they could afford a slave in such dire economic times.
@CriticalCupcake It’s actually about 11%. Not great, but when almost 90% of voters vote for something, it’s pretty big. This one did better than reproductive rights, at 77%, but a win is a win!
@CriticalCupcake You've GOT to be KIDDING ME!!!
@CriticalCupcake 🤨 JFC
@CriticalCupcake Ending slavery *and* allowing abortion, at the end of the day it's about not forcing someone into labor.
@CriticalCupcake I've seen my fair share of confederate flags in Vermont. They can't even use the flimsy "it's our history" excuse of those in the south.