@AndersonArtwork It was a magical moment(s). I was on my patio, glasses on, watching as the moon obliterated the sun. Looked at totality in wonder & awe at how small we are as humans, while revelling that we have evolved, learned so much.

Too much, but it was amazing! The universe is large.

Watching "Feud - Capote vs The Swans". I'm a sucker for entertainment dishiness.

Just a rant.
I believe in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights & essential freedoms presented in those documents.

I don't think or want everyone to agree with me on specific issues. I want people to revere the freedoms these documents enunciate. Freedom of thought, religion, self-determination; the ability to live without recrimination if within laws based on basic moral, ethical guidelines.

These ideas of basic humanity & freedom are on the ballot. Think carefully.

I watch this every Thursday. I support Lincoln Project, Resolute Square, The Bulwark. Notice a trend? Former Republican/conservative orgs. I'm center left. I vote. Registered independent. The center must hold.


I voted early today. Made it part of my "to do" list for my day off. The ONLY remedy we have for combatting authoritarianism is our voice & VOTE. Please register; register others. Engage folks to have their voice.

If anyone was lackadaisical about getting a flu shot, trust me, you don't want this. I procrastinated, saying "I'll do it next week." Surprise! This is hellacious. Worse than my COVID experience, but I was vaxxed for COVID.🀒🀦

Such a good game with so many over/undertones. Fundamentally, just a game.
All the BS, hype, politics, etc., on a game. I know, we've done this for years, but I'd like to just enjoy sport. 2 good teams fought it out like gladiators. Wow, we are very basic as a civilization. Just thinking in real time.

The best in the next 24 hrs? It will be above freezing; I can turn off faucets.πŸŽ‰ Freezing rain in between.🫀 Hope I don't lose power. Constantly checking the wx track. I'm that nerd.🀷

I work with a girl 3 nights/week (Leslie), who also works at a next door business. She came in tonight with a strange day.
A woman came in, browsed, made selections & asked for the restroom. She went to the restroom & tried to flush a wooden shoe. She payed, left. Leslie was sent to assess the bathroom situation, as low person in the rung.
She looked and declared ........….....

It's a clog.


For Peter Gabriel fans & anyone who likes music - this song is amazing.


On this *technically* Thanksgiving Day (US). I give thanks for not being bombed/shelled, held hostage, starving, not struggling for survival as so many around the world.

Big picture - I have it really good. 1st world problems. I am thankful.

My favorite Halloween costume so far.πŸ˜‚
Hannibal Lectern.🀣🀣🀣

Funny thing, my dad is old & very socially conservative. Lost his mind when I showed my tattoo: "It's against God". Yet, we love, share ideas/opinions & value/respect each other. It takes time. Don't give up on others.

So sick of "Extreme Heat Warning" alerts. Thank goodness climate change isn't real. Imagine. (Angry sarcasm)

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