Just thinking about everyone and letting y’all know that I appreciate y’all and think of you often.

Roger Waters - David Gilmour - Comfortably Numb - Live O2 Arena - The Wall (2011)


Please pass on:

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline)


F/U to story I posted yesterday.

Austin attorney found dead days after allegedly trying to kill his ex-girlfriend


Hurry and get yours before this exclusive price deal expires. 🤢🤣

550k + homeless in USA. Bridges and infrastructure crumbling. Food and healthcare unaffordable. But we’re gonna spend $60MM for a “moon community.”


Yes, this is The Onion’s brief to SCOTUS about parody. Yes, you should read it. And not just because Ricky Gervais liked my tweet on the bird site today. 😁


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