CounterSocial has been providing a safe haven online for SEVEN YEARS.
That's seven years without bots, trolls, ads, or foreign influence campaigns.
That's over 61,000 hours of uptime.
2,557 days of active moderation.
365 weeks of keeping YOU safe from all manner of bad actors.
It's an incredible 84 months of serving as the only altruistic social on the web. We think you'll agree. There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
You have made this oasis possible. Your posts, your personality, your creativity, your thoughts, your opinions. Sharing what you love and lamenting what you don't. The joyous moments celebrated and the empathy expressed with loss. We here have seen it all.
That's what makes us different. There is no overarching profit motive or investors to satisfy. There is only a community that reveres togetherness, made possible by YOU.
This isn't social media.
It's CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips And remember folks: We can help make it continue to be possible by sharing some "green energy". A month of CoSo costs less than Amazon Prime, and doesn't try to ruin your world.