CounterSocial has no algorithm, which means it's on you to curate your experience. Add filters for topics you'd prefer not to see. Soft mute people who annoy you. Hard mute or block people who you find to be disagreeable and report anyone who is violating the terms of service.
Ours is a community. Keeping it that way takes effort on the part of each user, but it is well worth it. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips So is hard mute the same as blocking?
@ChelseaGirl429 Hard mute means you stop seeing their posts no matter what they say/do. Blocking means you stop seeing their posts and they can no longer see yours.
@CoSoTips Thanks, that is helpful!
"Soft mute" means that you won't see their posts unless they mention you. To turn it on, make sure the radio button is unchecked when muting a user. #CoSoTips