Unlike elsewhere, CounterSocial isn't big on drama. If you see anyone who you consider to be disagreeable, you are encouraged to quietly make them disappear. You have three options:
1. Block. This person disappears, and they can't see you.
2. Mute. This person disappears, but they can still see you.
3. Soft Mute. This person disappears until they mention you.
People are like flavors. You won't like them all, and they won't all like you. Skip the drama. Use the tools. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips OK, but do I lick them all?
@CoSoTips When I first got here, there was someone I disagreed with on something political and instead of throwing insults we had a great debate/discussion about it. I learned a lot from them. I love that about this place.