I know I've been here a few years now, mostly lurk-and-like but still pay for pro. Mainly it's because I'm introverted, grumpy, and life's been uneventful for me recently; daily grindosaurus.
I happily still pay pro because among other things I believe in the foundations; no other platform protects its users better.
You get out what you put in. My mind is free from the algorithm and the need for micro endorphin hits - I don't need to interact if I've nothing meaningful.
Have a great day. 🖖
I happen to believe that the only thing that separated us from the animals is the Oxford comma, the semi-colon, and two spaces after a period.
I’m glad to meet you.
@QueenOfEverything Could not have put it better. I'll choose taking as long as it takes to hit within a character limit than ever put a single space after a full stop, period.
Thank you for understanding why most of us are here and all the ways CoSo is such a major improvement over all the others
Thank you for being one of the good guys and we're happy you stay here
It's meaningful to have you here in all your genuineness all the same. ^_^