I didn't hear the conversation because they were eating by the pool while I was still in the kitchen. But my daughters were listening. They heard my mother say, "Oh, ...... does all the cooking, while Chippy just cooks the vegetables."
My daughters were aghast and thinking, "Oh no she didn't!" But she did.
So just a reminder to all.. be grateful. A lot of hard work goes into planning and appeasing everyone's requests (read: demands).
@ChippySuave Amen. The year I was sick DH and the sons cooked Thanksgiving dinner. They had no idea the effort to get the whole thing done from planning to sitting down to eat took. I am sorry to hear your efforts were not acknowledged or appreciated by your mom. Families sometimes, well you know.
@ChippySuave Just remember, if every day, you do just a little bit more than you were expected to, you'll eventually be doing a lot more than you expected, and people will expect it of you.
@ChippySuave Agreed! : )
Keeping people happy is a full time job! You should say thank you more often to the planners in your life. They need to feel appreciated.