@evistre If available, I will always choose the cashier in hopes of them keeping their job.
@ChippySuave this too.
@ChippySuave also. At least for Safeway, anytime you get a 50% off coupon it needs a human to validate it. If I'm in Safeway, I'm gonna grab a 50% item, so my chances of human are 100% either way. Lol
@ChippySuave ha! Definitely relate 😜
I prefer the cashier. I need more practice interacting with humans anyway. Plus, it prolongs the interim before we are all replaced by machines.
I would love to go to the cashiers, but all evidence points towards them being laid off anyways. I see the personal shoppers getting all of the hours. Online convenience has doomed cashiers
@ChippySuave as an introvert, i always go to the cashier.
I get unreasonably mad at the self checkout and end up weirding out my fellow shoppers by talking back to it.