And there are many people reaching out from their personal dark corners looking for just a little light to give them a sense of hope that someone, anyone, understands.. that someone, anyone, cares.
People use social media as a life-line to the outside world or as an attempt to have some escape from their reality a few moments at a time. Depression is serious business. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I was depressed and then saw only dark and negative statuses on my feed.
@ChippySuave ❤️
All of this!
I have never been in a more diverse and caring online space. Those who care, as you do, to dilute the perfectly valid dark things that are here, with some light. You are one of several women (and it *is* mostly women) who between you have posted the things which get me through the bad days.
It's appreciated more than you know.
@ChippySuave that is why CoSo is such an oasis. We have our share of that, but there are objectively bad things happening in the world. But so are yummy foods, cute kids & critters, dogs, kitties, rabbits, plants, nudibranchs and...of course...Tarkan
If my words or the pictures I share can give even one person a fleeting smile or a moment of joy on an otherwise hectic, frantic, hassled, difficult, or dark day.. then I feel I have done what I was put on this earth to do.
Thank you to all of you for allowing me to bring you a ray of sunshine from time to time.
#CoSoLove #CoSoFamily