I have no idea what he was talking about or what his plans are.. I couldn't ignore the heavy sniffing and the weird pronunciation of corr-o-nah virus.
He didn't fully address how life is and should be changing in the coming weeks within the nation.
@altamaha 😂 Would have been more of a slow walk with his lard ass
@croning dramatic reenactment.
@altamaha I'm going to have nightmares about this now lol @ChippySuave
@altamaha lol, that presents such a wonderful mental pic, thanks
@ChippySuave he didn't address shit. no sense in stopping travel. covid-19 is already here.
talked about how great our response was. there was no response from the us government.
i hate him!
@ChippySuave well a week ago he was saying we should see the 15 infected count reduce to zero so..
What exactly was said about travel from Europe? I didn't watch, and am seeing conflicting reports.
@misterfive @ChippySuave
Watching Maddow. Restrictions from every country but UK. US Citizens exempt. I read that as can come home
Well, that's good. Hope that holds.
@misterfive @ChippySuave
I forgot and Maddow reminded. They’ll need to be quarantined. I hope that can get home for that.
@InvaderGzim @misterfive @ChippySuave If it were up to trump they'd be staying down under. Wouldn't want to mess up those numbers. 🙄
@ChippySuave heavily tranquilized. They probably had to chase him around his living quarters to dart him.