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Be like a wild rose
They bloom where they are planted
They don't need anyone to tell them how to grow
They just follow their own enchantment

Be like a wild rose
They spread their fragrance everywhere
They don't care about the thorns or the foes
They just share their love and care

Some people may try to tame them
Or cut them down or shame them
But they can never change them
They will always be the same


Interesting times and I've lived through a whole lot of them.

I really felt good after my morning jog with my daughter. I then decided it was a "me" day for some time alone rather than dealing with things that might change that mood.

So, this afternoon, I walked at a preserve to fill up all those spaces that needed it. This definitely kept my mood in perspective.

It was a great start to the day and a 4 mile jog with my daughter. We chose a path where the newly leaved trees broke the breeze on the chilly start of the day. There was enough sun breaking through the clouds to warm the air until our body heat took over. The parking area near the start welcomed us with spring beauty.

My eldest says she's ready to begin our weekly jog again. Tomorrow morning in the mid 40's is just fine, she says. I know you have a 10K next month and you're off work, but jeez sweetie, I really don't want to layer up.

Well, I lost that battle LOL. Looks like tomorrow it begins!

^^ For anyone interested, it's pretty straightforward with a strict 6 wk plan, then modified on a continuous basis.

I can tell you in '12 it literally saved my life. My labs proved the results from eating this way w/all markers at optiumum level.

My energy skyrocketed along with it and my bone scans showed improvement in all areas "on the cusp" of osteoporosis. I was hell on wheels at the gym LOL.

I WILL succeed once again. Failure is never an option in my book. 💜

I love when my primary physician is onboard with the decisions I make to stay in control of my health.

For a while, I've been negligent w/my food choices. 12 mo. labs confirmed those have worked against me, tipping on potential serious effects if something didn't change, blood sugar particularly.

Rather than meds, I educated him on the nutritarian/plant-based plan I followed faithfully in '12, but since '22, not as much. He responded "I like your motivation & determination. See you in Oct"💜

@SpaceSlothForever Today as you celebrate your birthday, know that you are loved for the beautiful human you are.

Wishing you a day filled with all your favorite things and much happiness in your journey ahead. 💜

Morning COSO 💜 I'm running out the door and headed to the community garden to work on some projects before the rain moves in in a little while.

Things are hoping there with the sizeable donation received from a local community group. The importance of instilling confidence in people to plan, plant, produce, prepare & preserve their own fruits & vegetables for a healthier diet is finally being recognized.

TTFN.....Gotta run.

That disposal would not ever have happened on other platforms as quickly as it did here.

Imagining all the bells and whistles going off in the batcave right now. 😂

It’s what keeps me grounded amidst a world that sometimes pulls me toward not being so.

Today, another walk in the woods filled up all the right spaces.

“A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.” -Mary Davis

Well. I need skedaddle. Would love to spend more time with you this morning but there's that dang list, ya know. 🙄

Tackle the day head on. Give it all you've got. Dig deep to accomplish what's on your plate. You'll be glad by the end of the day that you did.

Take care, COSO 💜

It's a new week, a new day and an opportunity for a new take on attitude and perspectives.

I try to adjust as I need to. I'm not always successful, but just giving it the time to consider has been an exercise worthy of my attention.

It's kind of like getting rid of all that dust when deep spring cleaning. Afterwards, the freshness revitalizes you.

“Maintenance”…a timeout. A reset. Sometimes perfect timing.

Tools. Tools are handy and very effective while tending the garden.

I needed a walk in nature and found Tom doing the same.

These Virginia Blue Bells just blanketed the woods floor and really framed the rest of my day with tranquility.

Pic by Tom

@Museek . On this special day, we honor the journey of your beautiful spirit, as enduring and graceful as a feather on the wind.

May the feathers you find along your path remind you of the strength and freedom in your blood, a testament to the wisdom of your ancestors.

Like the feather, may you rise above, carried by the breath of the earth and the courage of your convictions.

Happy Birthday! 💜 :feather:

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