Time to go piss some people off locally that hate the fact I exist.

If Roe Vs Wade is overturned, Republicans will literally have to accept the fact they voted to take away their rights to privacy. It’s so strange how those people just enjoy shooting themselves in the foot every time.

The isn’t going to stop at , they’re going to plow through rights and every right given to people of color. We can not let this happen!!!!

The fucker is in jail awaiting trial for murdering his sick wife but WON his GOP primary. This country is sick

Republicans destroy isn’t just about taking women’s rights away from their body, it’s also so they can’t vote after they’ve been charged.

Watching some movies on Hulu debating if I want to call off work tomorrow

Road rage is so useless. You can stay mad while I relax knowing I have great car insurance and 2 dash cams.

I don’t want a . I want a dedicated back cracker that calls me beautiful.

Note to self. NEVER order extra cheese on a pizza in New York City. Extra? It’s DOUBLE lol ❤️

In case some of the Ol' wonder where have all the GREAT blonde jokes gone...
Blame MTG...

It's fucking impossible to make up more crazy shit than what she spits out....


Some people show you pictures of their children. I’ll slap you in the face with a booklet full of flowers and my kittens. Haha

If there’s one thing I can’t do, it’s poke fun at anyone with a disability. and both have speech issues. It’s never okay to attack a disability. I also suffer from speech issues myself.

It’s only politically correct to blast on full volume on my way to work 😝🤓

Time for work. I’ll be back later. Have an awesome day everyone.

So Madison Crawford got caught apparently making out with his male staffer. The really is trying to throw this dude under the bus and FAST. It’s almost like his orgy comment is true.

Biden needs to get out and lead the party, emphasize the hypocrisy and anti democratic views of the wacko republic party dominated by the extreme right who are still engaged to overthrow our government.

Good morning everyone! Glad to be back. What’s everyone up to today?

After this, if he becomes owner it’s time for me to shift platforms. This is beyond sick

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Chayzz Devyant

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