Yet another uncanny similarity between and : Fact Check: The Truth About Hitler's Condition That Made Him Pass Gas a Lot

Just read that Post is shutting down. Think we might get an influx of people from ?

Crazy aurora over Juneau last night.

"Red auroras are comparatively less frequent and are usually associated with intense solar activity.

They occur when solar particles react with oxygen at higher altitudes, generally around 180 to 250 miles (300 to 400 km), according to the CSA.

At this height, oxygen is less concentrated and is excited at a higher frequency or wavelength, making reds visible. Red auroras are often seen at the higher edges of the display."

--Viliame Kaulato

@Dane If you are encountering someone who displays traits similar to those of a fictional zombie, such as aggressive or erratic behavior, lack of emotional response, unusual physical appearance, or communication difficulties, it's important to approach the situation with caution. Your safety should be your top priority, so if you feel threatened or uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation and seek help if needed. It's always better to trust your instincts and take proactive steps to protect yourself from potential harm.

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