cassie32 boosted
cassie32 boosted

Gloves are off...visit onion site and it's just one after another like this.

Just donated to planned parenthood. Send a message.

cassie32 boosted

just got killed by . I live in Missouri where there was a trigger law waiting for just this moment. Its scope is wide. Very wide. So basically I now harbor an illegal device inside my body because I have an IUD. So that's fun.

Women...check out this screen shot. Pay attention. There is an agenda.

cassie32 boosted

For folks grieving and following the of the day, don't miss what Thomas's concurring opinion says -- expressly -- about what they're coming for next.

(With thanks to Matt Ford, FordM on Twitter, for this graphic.)

Contraception. Marriage equality. Same-sex relationships in general. Privacy under attack all over the place.

I'm so, so sorry, US friends. This is an awful era, and the fight back to anything resembling human decency will be long and hard.

Much love from afar.

So states rights important for roe v. Wade but inconsequential for concealed carry? Got it.

cassie32 boosted

Biden orders Big Oil to increase refinery capacity & output or he will use "emergency authorities" to compel them. At a time of war "refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable."

This is good. Time to get tough.

cassie32 boosted

CBS News poll:

81% of Americans support background checks on all potential gun buyers

72% support federal red flag laws

62% support a nationwide ban on the AR-15 semiautomatic

cassie32 boosted

Gas prices up AGAIN today from the weekend.
Oil companies and GOP will make sure it stays that way.

Just got out of Top Gun 2. Tom Cruise may be a nutter but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Just enough nods to the original to make me nostalgic and just enough was different to make it original.

cassie32 boosted
cassie32 boosted

Queen Elizabeths bodyguard remembering a thing that happened......

cassie32 boosted
cassie32 boosted


Hi CoSo 💛

It's been a busy busy day for me--I had the opportunity to meet a true blue, real-life philanthropist today and it was wonderfully heartwarming.

In his later years, he is no longer interested in what he can acquire and is more interested in what he can give to make the world better.

A very down-to-earth, relatable guy doing good things to make a positive difference.

I was encouraged and thought you might be, too.


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