Kevin McCarthy has a net worth of over $95 million. His previous work experience was owning a deli that he closed called “Kevin O’s Deli”. Where did he get all this money?
@CapeSafety For real? What #criminals. While wanting to cut the elders income. I say follow Roosevelt idea & tax em 91%. Maybe then we get what #usa citzens deserve.
Screw the "donor" class looking down on the "servant" class. Screw the #capitalist corp & the #oligarchs , & the asses they road in on.
That's a really good question.
I did a little googling, and just in 2014-2016 he was only estimated to have a net worth of $81,000, minimum according to the LA Times:
Then this other website, , says his net worth is $300,000.
Then this website sys he's worth $95 million.
@CapeSafety The same place as Bobo and all of the rest of the dark money people. Thanks to Citizens United for all of that.
@CapeSafety Whoring out his dignity?
Pulleezzz. All of these politicians make millions while in office. In both parties.
Exception: Bernie Sanders who is independent