Ah fuck wow, I would so go to this. I play a sweet MIJ jag w/ upgraded Duncan picks ups and a Descendent vibrato trem that’s excellent and I also have an EOB strat and a black 4001 Rickbass.
@TheAbbotTrithemius nice gear. These shows get a mix of guitars, amps, pedals, parts … mundane to the collectible. I’ve done walk in business trading/selling without a table. Some negotiations lead to great buys, people don’t want to repack and move what they’ve brought. Reasonable offers are better for sellers than their using Reverb, EBay, (fees & taxes).
@TheAbbotTrithemius it works. I sold a Les Paul Traditional at one of those shows - I took it out to show one person and another saw it and bought it for more than I paid for it. Pre-Covid. Those were the days.🎶
@TheAbbotTrithemius I'm referring to the market and trends. Collectible and USA made high end gear harder to sell (feedback from sellers). The reduction in guitar based new music, and aging players impacts pricing. Even volume and shipping for gigs/tours (4x12 cabs going cheap). And there's a glut of inexpensive guitars.
Has that pre-COVID environment not returned for these kinds of deals to be made?