@Anouk ouch. I’ve been blessed with very chill dogs. The worst morning dog experience I can recall is my Irish Terrier would put his nose about an inch from mine and wait for me to wake up. The first time was startling.
🤣 oh my
And yes, Henry is a Jack Russell, Covid adoption.
@Anouk great breed and one has to be ready to accept their traits. They NEED to express themselves.🤣 And the Jack Nicholson terrier, don’t get me started.
My most chill dogs? Bull mastiffs. Huge & dopey & happy & slow.
This has been my reality this morning. Henry the Horrible. At 6 am, staring at me with huge eyes & tail whipping back n’ forth. Usually he sleeps til 8. 😩
I desperately need clocks to go back an hour. 😁