It’s cool because this is like The Manchurian Candidate except there’s no Liev Schreiber and also we’re all totally boned.

Mueller is an instrument of We the People but is not the people. He can be put down and his success does nothing to stop Trumpism as a whole. We the People must extinguish Trumpism aka vapid self enriching governing aka faux populism aka cum authoritarianism.

Trump represents a reckoning for us. Do we care about democracy? Do we care about the rule of law? Do we care about the Republic?

What does it say about us as a country that we lack the national will to hold Trump accountable?

If Reagan was made of Teflon, what is Trump made out of? Dude literally worked with Russia to hack the election and is building prison camps for migrants but is still not facing any real pressure from his party.

Trump had to build internment camps to distract us from his working with Russia against our national interests to become president because this is like, the 6th circle of hell.

GOP on caging kids: “It’s fine. They probably deserve it or whatever and it’s the Dems fault anyways.”

GOP on school shootings: “They’re all crisis actors. It’s a liberal conspiracy.”

GOP on Peter Fonda’s tweet:

It takes way more resources to discredit BS (and lies and crimes) than it takes to perpetrate them. Trump has such high capacity for his garbage that it’s impossible to keep up.

But honestly, would you be at all surprised if Trump turned out to be a Manchurian Candidate?

Trump and his people are so clearly guilty, aren't really hiding it, and are STILL unable to be held accountable because of the general neutering of thoughtful political dialogue. It's crazy.

Their deftness in understanding American politics means that they've either mastered the way that Americans think or had massive inside help (or used one to get the other).

Perhaps Russia's greatest feat was making a non-partisan issue (national security and election integrity) into a partisan one (Dems vs. GOP) and helping to install someone that is the happiest to fan partisan flames with no regard for democracy. Trump is a demagogue. Russia accomplished something amazing.

I really do see the 2020 election as the greatest threat to peaceful transition of power in our history. We are not doing enough to protect ourselves from Russia. By getting Trump elected, Russia has gotten their Trojan horse in and it’s too late to stop. Not sure how we solve this or prevent an upcoming disaster.

Is it so inconceivable that they mess up the 2020 election to such a degree that is causes true questions over who the true winner of the presidency is? We already know that Trump will scream “RIGGED” no matter the result but instead of coming from a candidate, it would be coming from the president.

We’re all underestimating what Russia will do this upcoming Election Day. They’re looking to sow chaos and mistrust and they already have their man in power. They’re looking for that black swan event. Trump is compromised and doing nothing to avoid further interference in the electoral process.

Thank god Trump brought up the War of 1812 with Trudeau today.

Rudy Giuliani has done an amazing job squandering all of the goodwill that he garnered from 9/11. HOW DOES SOMEONE MANAGE TO SQUANDER ALL OF THE GOODWILL FROM 9/11??

Trump: "Being above the law is my way of upholding the rule of law."

We are literally living in 1984.

‪Trump 2016: “Drain the swamp!”‬

‪Trump 2018: “I’m pardoning the swamp.”‬

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