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Brent boosted
Brent boosted

Mornin' y'all
51° on the forest porch
The grass I planted last week has sprouted strong. More to clear and plant today
Cheers ☕


Trump cancels rally because of weather, proving the difficulty of balancing a trial and campaign

Living in a democracy, were all complicit in everything or government does

If indiscriminate killing doesn't sit well with you, please call your representative and senators

Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 22, mostly children, as US advances aid package

A porn star and a Bible salesman walk into the court

Mornin' y'all
Back to the cabin today
Prepping and planting another two plots with native grasses

If you think TikTok is a national security threat, you oughta see X/Twitter

Home made hemp/chia patty with veganaise, Sriracha, dill pickles, on lettuce grown at the cabin

Prolly the last cool ride until fall and very happy with it
Something blew in with the front and made me kinda asthma-y. I don't have bad asthma, I just can't quite get a full breath sometimes. This was one of those times

New Rochelle?
I wonder if Dick and Laura are behind this?

Residents push for renaming of Trump Plaza to disassociate from ex-president
Tenants of the high-rise in New Rochelle, New York, want to abandon the name which has at times affected real estate value

Tell me one thing that is "conservative" about the Republican party under :Asshat:

What will it take to get the media to stop using that term?

Was anyone aware Elon Musk is a jerk?
He's managed to keep all the incentives the city offered while ditching the restrictions

Tesla uses new state law to shed Austin's environmental oversight of its factory

Mornin' y'all
Only heard one clap of thunder from the "big storm" last night. Does look like the city got a good rain though
57° and only going up to 68°, which is a nice last hurrah for spring
Cheers ☕

"An appeals court in Dallas court ruled Friday that Attorney General Ken Paxton can face disciplinary action for his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election."
That this is even a question... only in Texas

Texas appeals court says Ken Paxton can be disciplined for attempt to overturn 2020 election

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Brent boosted
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