Fried rice was awesome, but could have used two more eggs.
@Boyceaz [it's true, but it's also a metajoke - and I still can't believe I posted it because... oh bloody hell, it just seems like something you're not supposed to make jokes about, period]
@IrelandTorin But it's okay, because you posted it in response to me: the guy with a good attitude about menstruation.
@Boyceaz I think the "not making jokes about menstruation" thing comes from how everyone else reacted when I did it in the past; I actually have a very accepting/liberal attitude towards it internally.
It doesn't bother me at all when people talk about it, and I certainly haven't pushed past significant others away when they were experiencing it. It's a natural function of the human body - NBD.
I just filter what *I* talk about based on how people reacted in the past.
@Boyceaz Man, I was gonna make a bad joke, intentionally misinterpreting the "eggs" part as being... y'know, the other kind of eggs... but then I realized it was probably a bit too icky to be funny, period. 🤣